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Basic Directions:

Open Photoshop. Create a workspace with 2 x 2 dimensions, and 150 pixels per inch.

Place the image inside the document and save it as a PSD.


Make subtle changes using varied effects.

They can be made by using a pencil or paintbrush tool at a 15% opacity to begin, or you may want to play around with the Filter—distort—twirl effect.


After each subtle change in the image, click Layer, duplicate layer, and continue making subtle changes. Include 10-15 layers.


Need ideas?

Bulge out the eyes, dye the hair, liquify features! Have fun making your Gif totally unique!


Then, save your image using the following steps…

File, save for web…

Click on “animate” and “loop.”


You can preview through Internet Explorer using the icon on the lower right portion of the box.

Save as a Gif. File.




Animated gif.

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